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Patching Guide (v1.4.1)

How to obtain a copy of Redux

  1. Obtain either a Black 2 or White 2 Vanilla ROM. Ideally this would be a dump of your personal American/ European cartridge. We won't give out any download links for a dump, so you’ll have to find it yourself. Make sure the file type of the download is either .nds, or an .nds file included in a compressed archive such as a .7z or .zip. It absolutely should not be an .exe file.

  2. Open the xdeltaUI.exe included in the downloaded ZIP file. This is only available for Windows users; Mac users may be able to use the MultiPatch tool which you can find online for a similar result. Android users may have some luck using Unipatcher, downloaded from the Play Store. A web based option would be RomPatcher, which can be accessed from any device!

  3. Make sure your Black 2 or White 2 ROM is extracted from any archives it came in when downloaded. It must be an .nds file. It should not be a .7z, a .zip, an .exe, or anything else. It should be 524,288 KB in size.

  4. By default, the xdeltaUI will open to the 'Apply Patch' tab. In this tab, click 'Open' next to the blank box directly below 'Patch:'. Select your Pokémon Blaze Black 2 Redux or Pokémon Volt White 2 Redux patch, which you have downloaded directly from Drayano's Google Drive. (Accessible from his Twitter). This will have the file format .xdelta. It should not be a .7z, a .zip file and it absolutely should not be an .exe file. After selecting your rom, you will be returned to xdeltaUI's 'Apply Patch' tab. In this tab, click 'Open' next to the blank box directly below 'Source File:'. Select your .nds Black 2 or White 2 ROM with the folder button on the top box. Again, it should be .nds.

  5. Now click '...' next to blank box directly below 'Output File:'. Choose where on your device you would like to save the Redux game file to. You will need to give the output file a name, something sensible like 'Pokémon Blaze Black 2 Redux' or 'Pokémon Volt White 2 Redux'. Make sure you include .nds after the name, so that the the output file reads 'Pokémon Blaze Black 2 Redux.nds' or 'Pokémon Volt White 2 Redux.nds'. Now click Save.

  6. Assuming the patching finished successfully, you should now have a Pokémon Blaze Black 2 Redux or a Pokémon Volt White 2 Redux ROM ready to go.

  7. If you would like to play the 'Classic' version of Redux (which omits 'non-canon' type combinations, abilities and stat boosts), or either of the EV-Less versions of Redux repeat the above steps two through to six again. However, instead of using a dump of the Vanilla game, use the 'Pokémon Blaze Black 2 Redux.nds' or 'Pokémon Volt White 2 Redux.nds' which you have created in the 'Source File:' box, and the corresponding additonal patch in the 'Patch:' box. These addition patches are included with the game download from Drayano's Google-Drive, if you've followed this guide you'll already have them!

  8. After patching your base ROM and applying additional patches (if any), you can then play this Pokémon Blaze Black 2 Redux or a Pokémon Volt White 2 file using any DS emulator.

Options include:

  • DeSmuME for PC. Turn off 'Advanced Bus-Level Timing' and turn on 'Use Dynamic Recompiler' in Emulator Options to improve speed, found in 'Emulation Settings'.
  • MelonDS for PC.
  • DraStic for Android. It costs a small fee but is very good. Otherwise you can use another emulator called Free DS, or even MelonDS for Android.
  • iNDS for iOS.
  • Whatever other options you know of. Flashcards, 3DS custom firmware etc. The the 'Known Bugs and Hardware Information' document for more information on playing on things which aren't mentioned above!