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634 - Zweilous


(1) Hustle
0.25x Resist:
0.5x Resist:
2x Weak:
4x Weak:


Level 38
Level 58



Level Up Moves

LevelNamePowerAccuracyPPTypeDamage ClassEffect
1Bite6010020Priority: 0. Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch.
1Dragon Breath7010020Priority: 0. Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.
1Focus EnergyNoneNone20Priority: 0. User's critical hit rate is two levels higher until it leaves the field. If the user has already used focus energy since entering the field, this move will fail.

This effect is passed on by baton pass.
1Tackle5010030Priority: 0. Inflicts regular damage.
10RoarNoneNone20Priority: -6. Switches the target out for another of its trainer's Pokémon selected at random. Wild battles end immediately.
13ScreechNone8540Priority: 0. Lowers the target's Defense by two stages.
17Assurance6010010Priority: 0. If the target takes damage this turn for any reason before this move is used, this move has double power.
21Headbutt7010015Priority: 0. Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch.
25Work UpNoneNone30Priority: 0. Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by one stage each.
28Zen Headbutt809010Priority: 0. Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.
32Crunch8010010Priority: 0. Has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.
34Body Slam8510015Priority: 0. Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.
37Scary FaceNone10010Priority: 0. Lowers the target's Speed by two stages.
38Double Hit359010Priority: 0. Hits twice in one turn.
40Dragon Pulse90None10Priority: 0. Bypasses accuracy checks
44Dark Pulse80Never Miss10Priority: 0. Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.
48Hyper Voice9010010Priority: 0. Inflicts regular damage.
53Dragon Rush1008010Priority: 0. Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.
57Head Smash150855Priority: 0. User takes 1/2 the damage it inflicts in recoil.
61Nasty PlotNoneNone20Priority: 0. Raises the user's Special Attack by two stages.
66Outrage12010010Priority: 0. User is forced to attack with this move for 2–3 turns,selected at random. After the last hit, the user becomes confused.

TM Moves

MachineNamePowerAccuracyPPTypeDamage ClassEffect
TM5RoarNoneNone20Priority: -6. Switches the target out for another of its trainer's Pokémon selected at random. Wild battles end immediately.
TM6ToxicNone9010Priority: 0. Badly poisons the target. Never misses when used by a poison-type Pokémon.
TM10Hidden Power6010015Priority: 0. Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.
TM11Sunny DayNoneNone5Priority: 0. Changes the weather to sunshine for five turns.
TM12TauntNone10020Priority: 0. Target is forced to only use damaging moves for the next 3–5 turns, selected at random.
TM17ProtectNoneNone10Priority: 4. No moves will hit the user for the remainder of this turn. If the user is last to act this turn, this move will fail. Success rate drops by 1/2 on successive attempts.
TM18Rain DanceNoneNone5Priority: 0. Changes the weather to rain for five turns, during which water moves inflict 50% extra damage, and fire moves inflict half damage.
TM21FrustrationNone10020Priority: 0. Power increases inversely with happiness, given by `(255 - happiness) * 2 / 5`, to a maximum of 102. Power bottoms out at 1.
TM27ReturnNone10020Priority: 0. Power increases with happiness, given by `happiness * 2 / 5`, to a maximum of 102. Power bottoms out at 1.
TM42Facade7010020Priority: 0. If the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned, this move has double power.
TM44RestNoneNone10Priority: 0. User falls to sleep for two turns, replacing any existing non-volatile status ailments, and immediately regains all its HP.
TM59Incinerate6010015Priority: 0. If the target is holding a berry, it's destroyed and cannot be used in response to this move.
TM73Thunder WaveNone9020Priority: 0. Paralyzes the target.
TM77Psych UpNoneNone10Priority: 0. Discards the user's stat changes and copies the target's.

This move cannot be copied by mirror move.
TM82Dragon Tail609510Priority: -6. Inflicts regular damage, then switches the target out for another of its trainer's Pokémon, selected at random.

If the target is under the effect of ingrain or suction cups, or it has a substitute, or its Trainer has no more usable Pokémon, it will not be switched out. If the target is a wild Pokémon, the battle ends instead.
TM83Work UpNoneNone30Priority: 0. Raises the user's Attack and Special Attack by one stage each.
TM90SubstituteNoneNone10Priority: 0. Transfers 1/4 the user's max HP into a doll that absorbs damage and causes most negative move effects to fail.
TM94Rock Smash5510015Priority: 0. 100% chance to drop target's Def by one stage. Also boosted by the ability Iron Fist
HM4Strength8510010Priority: 0. 10% Raise Attack

Tutor Moves

NamePowerAccuracyPPTypeDamage ClassEffect
Aqua Tail1008510Priority: 0. Inflicts regular damage.
Dark Pulse80Never Miss10Priority: 0. Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.
Draco Meteor130905Priority: 0. Inflicts regular damage, then lowers the user's Special Attack by two stages.
Dragon Pulse90None10Priority: 0. Bypasses accuracy checks
Earth Power9010010Priority: 0. Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.
Hyper Voice9010010Priority: 0. Inflicts regular damage.
Outrage12010010Priority: 0. User is forced to attack with this move for 2–3 turns,selected at random. After the last hit, the user becomes confused.
Sleep TalkNoneNone10Priority: 0. Only usable if the user is sleeping. Randomly selects and uses one of the user's other three moves. Use of the selected move requires and costs 0 PP.
Snore5010015Priority: 0. Only usable if the user is sleeping. Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch.
SpiteNone10010Priority: 0. Lowers the PP of the target's last used move by 4. If the target hasn't used a move since entering the field, if it tried to use a move this turn and failed, or if its last used move has 0 PP remaining, this move will fail.
Superpower1201005Priority: 0. Inflicts regular damage, then lowers the user's Attack and Defense by one stage each.
Uproar9010010Priority: 0. User is forced to use this move for 2–5 turns, selected at random. No Pokemon can sleep during the effect of this move.
Zen Headbutt809010Priority: 0. Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.

Encounter Locations

Location     Level Spawn Percent
Victory Road Connecting Caves II, Dragons Cave 59-62 5.0
Victory Road - N's Castle, Entrance Cave   66 10.0